This is watchdog journalism at its best. Maybe earmarks do serve a purpose, maybe they don't. Maybe an objective needs-based approach is best. Maybe each funding method has its pluses and minuses. But without access to the facts, taxpayers don't know they even need to answer these questions, let alone come to a conclusion about what's the right balance for NC taxpayers. If earmarks are back in fashion. The NCGA could do worse than throw a few public interest bucks to local news sources like NewsBeat.

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Dan, since the money is being distributed through earmarks, as championed by members of the NCGA, do we know if counties represented by Republicans received more money than those represented by Democrats? I understand the urban/rural divide when it comes to access to capital, but still..... Were Democratic members of NCGA able to obtain funding through the earmarks?

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Sorry, Alice. That kind of analysis would take more resources than I have available. But it is worth noting that Brevard, with a liberal-but-nonpartisan Council, was one of the big winners here.

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