The last couple of years the liberal BOE influence pushed masking and vaccination with Pfizer and Moderna jabs (many parents tried in vain to tell them children, unless immune compromised were not at risk).And many parents said let those who wish to mask and vax do so…but make it an option. The liberal, scared majority BOE ignored the teacher survey and the parent’s input. They also ignored real science that has now been proven to be true. Children suffered…teachers were frustrated. Education milestones were not achieved. Now, remedial learning and catching up is putting a burden on students and their teachers.

The last two years the liberal majority BOE FAILED to secure contracts for the school bond. What were they doing from the time it passed to shut down by the governor? Almost 14 months with nothing secured. And then the costs became inflated. Hmmm. That failure alone warranted removal of a certain party and future removal of others who failed students, teachers and the taxpayers.

Take a look at the notes of the school board meeting from bond vote to action. So.Much.Inaction.

Color me happy there is a conservative majority now on the BOE. History proves the liberal majority, the liberal parents and the liberal TCAE as failures.

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I, too, am saddened that not even one liberal voice will be heard on either the school board or commission. That's an unhealthy balance.

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The liberal ways is whats unhealthy. Face the facts, people like yourself need to wake up to the facts that the majority had enough of the lies, hates & racism the democratic party pushes.....thats facts!!

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