It is ridiculous this trail is not supported by all the commissioners.. Besides the obvious health benefits to users, linking up Brevard to Hendersonville surely would bring in revenue to businesses in both towns and give the bikers an alternative riding path then 276. As long as property owners are compensated to their satisfaction regarding the trail, the commissioners obviously have their own agenda. Allen’s response ( Transylvania, where the 21st century meets the 19th century) sums it up best. I hope the youth in the area are aware of all this.

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Good for the commissioner's this is just a land grab the property is supposed to revert back to the property owners

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No - not true - only 10% of property is not owned by the railroad and where it's not the owners will be compensated. Please learn the facts.

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Transylvania County. "Where the 21st Century Meets the 19th Century"

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Extremely disappointing…

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Disappointing on so many levels….👀

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Reduce health care costs? I suppose he didn't phrase that exactly right. He means increased taxation to pay for increasing health care costs......why? Because brevard is going to have alot more poor people with low paying jobs simply catering to the tourist industry. These poor people will need Medicaid and all the charity health care they can get. I'm not against the trail, but let's remember THE YOUNG PEOPLE who will have to move away from brevard to get a job that pays more than low level service jobs. In 5 years the 15 year olds of today will be looking for jobs. And what will they find in brevard? Let's focus on making brevard a permanent, sustainable community by thinking of the needs of the young people.

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Not being snarky and am genuinely curious: what are the criticisms and concerns with the trail and the plan as currently laid out?

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Another instance of Transylvania's elected Republicans playing to there base - the long term benefits for the rest of the county be damned. I remember not to long ago when the Republican commissioners turned down half a million in federal aid to help elderly in the county winterize there homes - calling it " Obama money". We all deserve better.

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My family and I had the opportunity to use a similar trail in Omaha, Nebraska. It was well used by locals and visitors alike. I believe our county needs all the attractions we can get to gain and keep tourists coming back to spend money at our businesses! What sort of commissioner would vote against applying for a federal grant?

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I've seen trails like this, covering former railroad tracks, completely transform dozens of communities in my home state of Missouri. One can literally ride a bike on a protected rail trail from Kansas City to St. Louis now. It's hard to believe that someone would be against this, even as a land owner being encroached.

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Thanks, Dan. This Board of Commissioners is outpacing even my dire expectations.

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