The School Board agreed to offer stipends to current employees who help recruit new ones. There’s not a dire local teacher shortage, but fewer are entering the profession and more are leaving early.
The results of our 'educational system ' is also embarrassing. In NC, 30% of black kids do not pass the SAT . Dont know the stats on all kids, but it's not good.
There is no pay that's adequate for the current outcomes except perhaps for a babysitting fee. As long as people are paid simply to follow imposed inflation and imposed cost of living increases, we'll never get a stable economy. I dont think that's sufficient reason. I would guess the worst part of teaching is class size and lack of discipline, but you can't pay people more and more just to cope with that. It helps no one. Teachers in NC have the have the highest average pay for any
4 year degree graduate. NC also spends 1/3rd of the state budget on education. That was last I heard a couple of years ago when teachers were protesting for more pay. IF the school system needs more money, it's not in teacher salaries where the need lies for approx 180 work days. Perhaps more classrooms, more technical or trade studies, more reading and writing, more teachers at the current price. We could pay every teacher 100k per year, but the work would remain the same. Itd be better to have twice as many at 50k. And the teachers would be happier too I'm sure. I know the argument about salary attracting professionals, but times are hard for all of us because the economy is rotten . If everyone gets the raise they want to make life easy, prices will never normalize back the way they were. Alot of people are calling for raises with this reasoning so I thought I'd mention it. But to stay strictly on the subject of education, I'd say use that money to make a better teaching environment with the sole objective of educating and preparing kids. If we have to wait for more teachers to fill the ranks under current salaries, so be it. The better the teaching and learning environment, the happier the teachers will be and the smarter and more disciplined and self confident the kids will be.
Loved Marty Griffin’s imaginary job pitch.
The pay for one of the most important jobs (being a teacher) is simply embarrassing.
The results of our 'educational system ' is also embarrassing. In NC, 30% of black kids do not pass the SAT . Dont know the stats on all kids, but it's not good.
Totally agreed. However, I’m not sure what your point is.
Are you arguing that the pay is adequate given the current outcomes or that better pay would improve student outcomes?
There is no pay that's adequate for the current outcomes except perhaps for a babysitting fee. As long as people are paid simply to follow imposed inflation and imposed cost of living increases, we'll never get a stable economy. I dont think that's sufficient reason. I would guess the worst part of teaching is class size and lack of discipline, but you can't pay people more and more just to cope with that. It helps no one. Teachers in NC have the have the highest average pay for any
4 year degree graduate. NC also spends 1/3rd of the state budget on education. That was last I heard a couple of years ago when teachers were protesting for more pay. IF the school system needs more money, it's not in teacher salaries where the need lies for approx 180 work days. Perhaps more classrooms, more technical or trade studies, more reading and writing, more teachers at the current price. We could pay every teacher 100k per year, but the work would remain the same. Itd be better to have twice as many at 50k. And the teachers would be happier too I'm sure. I know the argument about salary attracting professionals, but times are hard for all of us because the economy is rotten . If everyone gets the raise they want to make life easy, prices will never normalize back the way they were. Alot of people are calling for raises with this reasoning so I thought I'd mention it. But to stay strictly on the subject of education, I'd say use that money to make a better teaching environment with the sole objective of educating and preparing kids. If we have to wait for more teachers to fill the ranks under current salaries, so be it. The better the teaching and learning environment, the happier the teachers will be and the smarter and more disciplined and self confident the kids will be.
Then a lot of prople need to work at Starbucks because they are always looking for help and if you can last 6 months you can become a manager