Speaking as a former county department head, one thing that was not mentioned is that she’s a phenomenal supervisor. She puts a lot of emphasis on caring for county employees and leads by example as was alluded in the article during the hurricane.

She’s as good of a leader that I’ve worked for and Transylvania County is fortunate to have her.

Thanks for highlighting so much of the awesome work she’s done, she’s very deserving.

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Good to hear.

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Hopefully cooperation continues to improve between the county, the school board and the city. That is the only way all citizens will be fairly served for their tax dollars.

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I have no skin in the political game. Jamie is a phenomenal administrator. It can take years of piecing together details/information to make sense of poorly kept records. Mistakes or misrepresentations can happen, particularly if there are poor records. Ms. Juba did an excellent job trying to piece together records. In my opinion, had there been a decent relationship between members of the board of education and the county commissioners, these two ladies would have been able to amicably figure out how to piece together what information they each had without a blowout. Both administrators made mistakes. But remember that each administrator reported to elected officials that aggravated any possible relationship between the two administrators. The reason the county commissioners give for so many unaddressed crucial capital projects is lack of resources. Let’s remember Jamie diplomatically tried to point out that repeatedly keeping a flat tax levy was short term heroism and long term short sighted. We are dealing with short sighted heroism.

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