Thank you for reporting on this and getting a better picture of what is happening out in front of people. The citizens involved in the SAP have put their hearts and souls into it. As a member of the TC Planning Board, we have been in full support of everything we have seen coming's gout of this project. I share the concerns of the SAP volunteers and am convinced this will simply sit on a shelf. What is the point of a "property rights" county commission if THEY decide what you can do with your property. The C.M. community has spoken with a clear voice about how they want to shape their own community. We should see it through.
Thank you for reporting on this and getting a better picture of what is happening out in front of people. The citizens involved in the SAP have put their hearts and souls into it. As a member of the TC Planning Board, we have been in full support of everything we have seen coming's gout of this project. I share the concerns of the SAP volunteers and am convinced this will simply sit on a shelf. What is the point of a "property rights" county commission if THEY decide what you can do with your property. The C.M. community has spoken with a clear voice about how they want to shape their own community. We should see it through.
Dan, thank you for reporting on this important local news story.